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Inflation dampens hospitality growth

Published:  22 April, 2022

Hospitality’s recovery from Covid remains “fragile”, new data has shown, as solid growth for Britain’s managed restaurant, pub and bar groups in March was dampened by high inflation.


CGA report hints at hospitality recovery

Published:  15 November, 2021

New data released by CGA Strategy offers a glimpse of a beleaguered industry in resurgence, with total sales rising in Britain's managed pubs, restaurants and bars.


Managed hospitality venues see September sales bounce

Published:  18 October, 2021

Managed restaurant, pub and bar groups achieved a ‘significant bounce’ in sales in September, the latest edition of the Coffer CGA Business Tracker has revealed.


April delivers ‘solid’ outdoor trading for on-trade groups able to open

Published:  14 May, 2021

Managed pub and restaurant groups able to deliver outdoor service managed to deliver 74% of normal sales in April compared with the same period in 2019, but overall sales were 60% down with a majority still closed.